DS 2001
Programming with Data
Sections 1 and 2
Social Science Practicum


The online syllabus can be found here. A printer-friendly PDF version is here.


Week 1

(mccabe slides | mattsson slides | handout | code | solution)

Week 2

(slides | handout | code | solution)

Week 3

(handout | code | solution)

Week 4

(handout | code | solution)

Week 5

(handout | code | solution)

Week 6

(handout | code | solution)

Week 7

(handout | code | solution)

Week 8

(handout | code | solution)

Week 9

(handout | code | solution)

Week 10

(notebook | solution)

Week 11

(notebook | solution)

Week 12

(notebook | solution)


Common locations in the file system

Folders Windows macOS Linux
Root C:\ (or similar) / /
Home C:\Users\Username
/Users/Username /home/Username
(alias) %HOMEPATH% ~
Desktop C:\Users\Username\Desktop /Users/Username/Desktop /home/Username/Desktop
Downloads C:\Users\Username\Downloads /Users/Username/Downloads /home/Username/Downloads
Documents C:\Users\Username\Documents /Users/Username/Documents
Notes: the alias is a shortcut for home, so you could write %HOMEPATH%\Downloads or ~/Downloads to access the downloads folder. File paths are case sensitive - these will only work for a user called "Username", not for a user called "username".

Basic CLI navigation

Task Windows macOS + Linux
go to home folder cd %HOMEPATH% cd
get current location cd
list contents of current folder dir ls
list contents of subfolder dir subfolder\ ls subfolder/
go to subfolder "a"
cd a cd a
go up one folder cd .. cd ..
copy file to subfolder "a" copy file a\ cp file a/
move file to subfolder "a" move file a\ mv file a/
copy file from subfolder to folder copy file .. cp file ..
move file from subfolder to folder move file .. mv file ..
view contents of file type file cat file
peek at a few lines of file head file
make new subfolder mkdir subfolder mkdir subfolder
run python interactively python python
run python script python hello.py python hello.py